
This program aims to produce doctors who are equipped with the innovation ability to take on challenges in unknown fields and exercise their skills to play an active role in global society. For this purpose, the program offers comprehensive subjects in a strategic manner, which helps students develop abilities in specialized fields and transcend the boundaries of fields of study.

Desired students

We welcome students who take on challenges in new fields of study, transcending the boundaries between majors, and who intend to contribute to building a sustainable society. We also seek students who can study consistently through the master and doctoral courses, with a willingness to take on challenges in new fields with an open mind.

Our graduates

Our doctoral graduates are equipped with innovation ability, allowing them to contribute to the development of a sustainable, safe and secure society by developing new cross-sectoral fields based on the study in their specialized fields. They possess the self-expression and communication abilities to work in various fields in global society.

The five fields of study

Space Science and Engineering

Through the development of an in-house microsatellite, students learn advanced knowledge in space science and Engineering, as well as the practical skills of satellite design and development to solve scientific problems. Students are also trained to acquire the skills required to become leaders in society, such as project management skills, open-minded problem solving ability and collaboration between different fields.

Satellites/ Astrophysics/ Astronomy/ Solar-terrestrial science/ Electrical, electronic,information and communication engineering/ Mechanical engineering/ Aerospace engineering

Environmental/Energy Science and Engineering

We aim for this field to become a new discipline involving the study and development of technologies to solve and prevent interdisciplinary problems regarding the environment, resources and energy, thus contributing to society based on existing studies such as environmental science, environmental engineering, urban engineering, bioengineering, electric and electronic technology and mechanical engineering.

Environment and energy problems/ Green sustainable/ Carbon neutrality/ Renewable energy/ Environmental load reduction/ Air and Water

Mathematical/Nanomaterial Science and Engineering

Students study the mathematics and mathematical models that form the basis of mathematical data science, develop materials and study physical properties via materials informatics, and develop new nanomaterials and nano-devices.

Mathematical data science (⇔I (big data)/ Materials informatics/ Material development/ Physical properties/ Mathematical models/ New nanomaterials and nano-devices

Science and Engineering for Super Smart Society

Students will learn about fundamental technologies such as IoT and AI, which are necessary to realize a super-smart society (Society 5.0), and their practical application in society. Students will also learn about human-enhancing technologies that extend human cognitive and mobility abilities, manufacturing, and the creation of cities, national landscapes, and projects through design thinking.

Cities/ National land/ Project design/ Robots/ Biomechanics/ Medical engineering/ On-demand manufacturing/ Machine learning

Life/Field Science and Engineering

Students study mainly about the global environment, social structure and life from scientific and engineering perspectives. From molecular-level environments in laboratories, to social structures supporting regions and countries as well as the global environment, this field involves the study of natural phenomena and artifacts on various scales of time and space in order to understand people, society, living things and the earth in a comprehensive manner in order to create new things and perspectives.

Biodiversity/ Earth’s environment/ Natural disasters/ Disaster management and reduction/ Social infrastructure/ Climate change/ Field work/ Environmental monitoring/ Life systems/ Bioresources/ Fishery resources/ Bio refinery