Master's Level Section

Division of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

The Division of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science aims to produce researchers and engineers who have great creativity, high motivation to develop new fields, independent thinking skills, leadership skills and an international mindset in the fields of electricity, electronics, information engineering and life information.
We cover comprehensive and interdisciplinary fields including the latest communication technology, energy solutions and environmental problems on the global scale, in addition to studies in our specialized field. We focus on providing highly specialized and far-reaching expertise, as well as strengthening broad-based cutting-edge technology through lectures and research activities. In addition, we aim to produce internationally minded graduates by providing opportunities to study and conduct research with international students, and by providing guidance for writing theses in English. We expect students to have expertise in electricity, electronics or information engineering, a strong inquiring mind in their field of specialization, and motivation to acquire a higher level of academic expertise.

Research Field

Computer Science, Bioinformatics and Instrumentation Control, Signal Processing, VLSI Systems, Electromagnetic Waves and Communication, Optical and Electronic Systems, Electronic Devices, Energy and Environment Systems, Mathematical Systems

Thin film device production using an ultraviolet pulsed laser in the advanced material science laboratory

Development of a high-performance database system using space measurement data obtained from a scientific satellite