Division of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

As of 2024/05/07
Course Research Field M D Name Title Research subject keywords
Mathematics Algebra 2 2 WAKATSUKI, Satoshi 3 Number theory, Automorphic forms, Trace formula, Shintani zeta function
2 2 SUGIYAMA, Shingo 2 Number theory, Automorphic forms, L-functions, Harmonic analysis
2 1 HAYAKAWA, Takayuki(**) 2 Algebraic geometry
2 0 CAI, Yuanqing 1 Number theory, Representation theory, Automorphic forms, L-functions
Geometry 2 2 MIYACHI, Hideki 3 Complex analysis, Complex manifolds, Teichmüller theory
2 2 KAWAKAMI, Yu 2 Geometric analysis, Surface theory
2 0 MARUYAMA, Shuhei 1 Topology, Geometric group theory
2 2 HASEGAWA, Kazuyuki 3 Quaternionic geometry, Twistor theory, Submanifold geometry
Analysis 2 2 OHTSUKA, Hiroshi 3 Variational problems, Nonlinear partial differential equations
2 2 NAGOYA, Hajime 3 Differential equations in the complex domain, Representation theory, Conformal field theory
Physics Low Temperature Physics 2 2 ABE, Satoshi 3 Low temperature physics, Nuclear magnetism, Heavy fermion
2 2 OHASHI, Masashi  3 Materials physics and chemistry, Magnetism, Superconductivity, Functional materials
2 2 MATSUMOTO, Koichi(**) 3 Low temperature physics, Quantum liquids and fluids, Superfluid, Cryogenics
2 2 YOSHIDA, Yasuo 2 Spin-resolved scanning tunneling microscope, Quantum materials, Magnetism, Superconductivity
2 0 KANEKO, Hiroshi 1 Quasi-one-dimensional compound, Superconductivity, Synchrotron radiation
2 2 TSUJII, Hiroyuki 3 Low temperature physics, Magnetism, Nano-junction
2 0 OKAMOTO, Hiroyuki 2 Quasi-one-dimensional compound, Superconductivity, Synchrotron radiation
Nano Physics 2 2 ARAI, Toyoko(*) 3 Nanophysics, Surface science, Scanning probe microscopy, Spectroscopy
2 0 ARAKI, Yuki 1 Interface Science, Crystal Growth, Biomineralization, Scanning Probe Microscopy
2 0 OKABAYASHI, Norio 1 Surface/Interface, Atom/Molecule, Nanostructure science
Plasma Physics 2 2 ANDO, Ritoku(**) 2 Polyphase discharge plasma, Nonlinearities on Plasma waves
Molecular Physics 2 2 FUJITAKE, Masaharu(*) 2 High resolution molecular spectroscopy, Molecular complex, Molecular structure
Biophysics 2 2 KODERA, Noriyuki 3 Biophysics, Single-molecule analysis, High-speed atomic force microscope
2 2 SHIBATA, Mikihiro 3 Membrane protein, Neurobiology, Microscopic technique
2 2 WATANABE, Shinji 2 Scanning ion conductance microscopy, Live cell imaging
2 0 SUMINO, Ayumi 1 Biophysics, Membrane protein, High-speed atomic force microscope
Astrophysics 2 2 YONETOKU, Daisuke 3 High energy astrophysics, Gamma-ray burst, Astro-E2, Semi-conductor devices
2 2 ARIMOTO, Makoto 2 Gamma-ray astronomy, Radiation detector, X-ray imaging
2 0 KIMURA, Mariko 1 Accretion, Transients, Multi-wavelength observations
2 0 SAWANO, Tatsuya 1 High energy astrophysics, Radiation imaging detector
Nonlinear Physics 2 2 SATO, Masayuki 3 Intrinsic localized mode, Micro-electro mechanical systems, Laser
2 0 SOGA, Yukihiro 1 Non-neutral Plasma, Terahertz Wave, Electron Tube
2 2 YATSUYANAGI, Yuichi 3 Statistical mechanics, Two-dimensional turbulence, Numerical simulation
Elementary Particle, Cosmology, Theoretical Physics 2 2 AOKI, Mayumi 3 Higgs particles, Neutrino, Early universe
2 2 TAKEDA, Shinji 3 Lattice field theory, Monte Carlo simulation, Tensor network
2 2 ISHIWATA, Koji 2 Cosomology, Particle theory
2 0 SAIKAWA, Kenichi 1 Cosmology, Astroparticle physics
2 0 TOMA, Takashi 1 Particle physics phenomenology, Dark matter, Early universe, Neutrino
Computational Science Basic Computational Mathematics 2 2 OURA, Manabu 3 Algebraic combinatorics
2 2 OHARA, Katsuyoshi 3 Complex analysis, Computer mathematics, Numerical analysis
2 2 NAGANO, Atsuhira 2 Special functions, Number theory
2 1 KAWAGOE, Kenichi 2 Low dimension topology, Knot theory
Applied Computational Mathematics 2 2 NOTSU, Hirofumi 3 Computational fluid dynamics, Numerical analysis, Finite element method
2 2 SAKAKIBARA, Koya 2 Moving boundary problem, Numerical analysis, Applied and computational complex analysis
1 1 HASHIMOTO, Yuka 2* Operator theoretic data analysis, Numerical linear algebra
Mathematical Modeling and Analysis 2 2 KIMURA, Masato 3 Mathematical modeling, Numerical simulation
2 2 POZAR, Norbert 2 Nonlinear partial differential equations, Mathematical modelling
2 2 VAN MEURS, Patrick 2 Partial differential equation, Particle dynamics
Computational Solid State Physics 2 2 ISHII, Fumiyuki 3 Theoretical condensed matter physics, Computational material science
2 0 YAMAGUCHI, Naoya 1 Computational materials science, First-principles calculation
Theoretical and Computational Nanoscience 2 2 ODA, Tatsuki 3 Nano science, Molecular dynamics, Magnetism, Condensed matter theory
2 2 SATO, Masahide 3 Crystal growth
2 2 KATSUNO, Hiroyasu 2 Condensed matter physics, Nonequilibrium statistical physics, Crystal growth
2 0 OBATA, Masao 1  First-Principles Calculation, Condensed matter physics, Quantum many-body problem
Computational Biophysics 2 2 NAGAO, Hidemi 3 Electronic structure
2 2 KAWAGUCHI, Kazutomo 2 Molecular dynamics, Biophysics, Protein
2 2 NISHIYAMA, Nobuaki 3 System biology, Leukemia, Mathematical modeling
Condensed matter theory and chemical physics 2 2 MIURA, Shinichi 3 Liquid state theory, Path-integral method, Molecular simulation
2 2 IWASAKI, Hiroshi 2 Liquid theory, Fluid mechanics
2)principal supervisor 3)Professor
1)superviosr 2)Associate Professor
1)superviosr 2*)Visiting Associate Professor
0)cannot be a supervisor 1)Assistant Professor
***) will retire on 2025.3.31
**) will retire on 2026.3.31